I Inspire Individuals & Families To Achieve Optimal Health By Helping Them Realize Their Power Within.

As parents we sometimes struggle with knowing are we really doing right by our kids.  I have walked (and continue to walk) the path of prematurity, food allergies and a pediatric brain tumor and I want to help you and your family navigate this world full of disease causing toxins that threaten us on a daily basis.  I am using the lessons I have learned to inspire and help thousands of families to be better and to do better.  Do not let your family become another statistic.  Allow my pain and victories to empower you and your family towards living a toxic free, healthy life on purpose with purpose!

Jenay dunlap Myers


Never count yourself out no matter what your situation is, what it looks like or your given prognosis.

Life is full of adventure and sometimes it will cause you to get real muddy.  But just because you may become dirty does not mean you have to stay that way.  When the rough terrain comes you have to take control, hold on and dip when you need to dip and bend when you need to bend.  We are in this together and I will help you take your ‘bumps in the road’ like a champ!

Jenay Dunlap Myers

Life Changer

New Here?

You have just entered a space filled with hope, inspiration and encouragement that could change your life forever! The blog will invigorate you with powerful info to help you take control of your and your family's health!  We are surrounded by toxins daily and the more we know how to protect ourselves and our family, the less we have to worry about detrimental diseases both physically and mentally. 

With Knowledge Comes Power - the more you know the more you can Live Better & Do Better and I am here to help you do just that!

Life Changing Info

What you do not know can definitely harm you and your kids. The more info you have the better decisions you can make for you and your family.

Toxic Free Living

From the water we drink to the foods we eat to the products we use on our bodies & to clean our homes, we are inundated with toxic chemicals on a daily basis.


Not knowing where to turn when 'life' happens can be a paralyzing feeling. I am here to take this journey with you.  You are not alone!

How Can I Help You Change Your Life Today?

Inspirational, Powerful Speaking

Energize and inspire your organization with life impacting, engaging stories. Stories that will inject positive energy and reaffirm that all things are possible through faith, prayer and decisive action! 

Consultations and Coaching

Searching for proven insights on a particular health issue or concern? Need a tangible plan to overcome a health challenge or to recenter your Spiritual Mindset?

High Performing, Safer Products

Looking for non toxic personal care products?  Does your family have specific ingredients you all need to avoid or have sensitive skin? Products for everyone: Skincare, Makeup and Bath & Body.

About Jenay Dunlap Myers, MS

Have you ever found yourself in a place or situation wondering if you have what it takes to not only survive it but to thrive through it and beyond?  Jenay has found herself there plenty of times and continues to push through.  She is a wife and mom of two here on Earth and one in Heaven. She is a Sports Medicine Professional turned stay-at-home, homeschooling Mompreneur. Before becoming a SAHM Jenay served in a variety of settings such as Medical Device Sales and as a Head Certified Athletic Trainer for the WNBA. 

Her journey as a mom started with her first born who was born premature at 27 weeks followed by her son who was born with severe, life-threatening multiple food and environmental allergies. As if those ordeals were not enough, they would later be trumped by a pediatric brain tumor that ultimately landed her family in a club that no parent wants to be a part of.

Because of her life experiences, she is a mom on a mission to help inspire and empower others, especially parents, to keep on pushing no matter what life throws their way!

Jenay Dunlap Myers equips people with inspirational, spiritual and wellness tools for those that dare to be the change agent in their own life story.  As a child of God, she believes that as long as we have breath in our bodies then we still have purpose here on Earth.  

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How to Improve Your Health Without the Hassle